Shelly picked this up from Tom in Kittaning, PA - the same guy that we got the 83 200X,the blue 110, the 200M and PK's Big Red 250 from. Shelly likes this model for several reasons. These reasons include, ease of starting due to electric start - nice little trail bike for getting around the woods on, good size for Shelly's stature, she loves the styling of the wrap around the tank type seat. Here in Western, PA, it seems that ATC125M's are fairly uncommon, and we never really got to see one up close and in person until Trikefest 06.
We will be restoring this trike very soon. It runs right now but it really needs an engine overhaul and cleaned up and painted. It is a neat little fellow. Since we got it we have put a new seat and seat pan on it (Thanks Doug!!), a custom 200X headlight bucket with two small oval shaped fog lights in it, a newer 110 gas tank (Thanks again Doug!!!), and a set of unbent front forks (AGAIN - Thank you Doug!!!) - also a new front tire and a battery.
It really did not take too much to get it running - cleaned out the carb, new plug, and re-wired the little beast.
Currently, this is what it looks like (Note the OEM rear tires in nice shape!)